Saturday, July 18, 2015

Love for My Savior and Love for My Life

It's been quite a while since I've written... so much has happened since last time. But, I wanted to focus on my Savior. My Savior and My Redeemer.. is all that for the longest time, I've believed in having a testimony based on my parents testimonies, but for the last year... I have found my own testimony on my Savior. There is so many things in the world that can tell us that there isn't any God that there is no one there. But, there is also soooo many, so many more things that tell us that there is a Heavenly Father that watches out for each and everyone of us. He listens, he knows , and he feels every little thing that we feel. Lately I've been having a ruff time with things in my life: my family, friends, and especially myself. Life.. I thought wasn't suppose to be this hard.. but it isn't hard it's just challenging. Challenging and hard are totally different words that sometimes we can't explain, but all that I know is that we just need to keep putting one foot in front of the other.. and enjoy life as it comes.

Saturday, July 4, 2015


Happy 4th!!!! It's been a while since I've been on but.. life has been nothing but good! Today by far is my favorite day of the year! THE FOURTH OF JULY!!!! FIREWORKS, FOOD, and nothing but FUN IN THE SUN! Today I decided to incorporate the forth with my tip! Don't ever settle for less than you deserve you need to SHOOT FOR YOUR DREAMS and don't wait on the world to change you need to change your world! Don't sit around Just do it! And have fun doing it! And with every chance you get.... reach for those dreams, conquer, and above all else LIFE YOU LIFE! So SHOOT FOR YOUR DREAMS! Happy forth and be safe!

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Tip 3 - Don't EVER relive the past

A lot that has been on my mind lately... is how you should relive the past ever! I know for the longest time after I broke up with this guy that I was with for 5 months and was my first true love was very upsetting and I kept reliving and wanting to relive the past. I don't really know how I was going to get over him. But, one day I just decided to not ever relive the past, and I didn't. I didn't want to relive the feelings I was missing with him, it was way to painful... and I deserved better! So tip for today, DON'T EVER RELIVE THE PAST! Have fun in your life.. don't let anything hold you back especially BOYS!!!! It's so not worth it... GO LIVE YOU FREAKIN' LIFE!!!!  Have fun in your life and don't look back on the bad things on life.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

TIP #2- Do what you like to do!

I know this might sound a little repetitive to some people, but it was one of the first things that came to my mind today... and that is do what you like to do. That means if you like to go on walks, go on walks, if you like to watch TV.. you can watch TV (just make sure you don't watch it all day) ;) For me a few of my favorite things that I like to do.. is read! I used to hate reading, especially for fun. But, I actually started liking it, which was weird. But, I felt it was really interesting and you got to be whoever you wanted to be. I also love to record what goes on in my life... so I write in my journal... I literally have at least 10 journals.. which is crazy but I just write and write and write. Give it a try might like it. And coming back to doing what you like to do... just DO IT!!! Don't wait for someone to come and tell you to do something, go do it!
Here is some creative ideas to get you started!
    - write
    -go hiking
    - start a garden
    - read a good book, if you don't like that book get another one that catches you eye
   - go swimming
   - learn a new sport
   - play a board game
   - learn to play chess
   - start a crazy rock collection
   - go feed ducks at a pond
   - go on a long drive to who knows where
   - make memories and take pictures
.... those are just some of the ideas I came up with just now.. but I mean the ideas are endless. Do what makes your heart happy.. Do what you like to do. Don't let anyone stop you, you are your own person... be who you want to be and do what YOU LIKE TO DO!

Monday, June 29, 2015

TIP #1- Pick your friends wisely

 Lets talk about something we all have in common FRIENDS!!!! So whoever made up the "Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer" was somewhat knowledgeable, but didn't know what the heck they were talking about at the same time. I mean I just graduated from High school and I miss my friends like crazy! So why on earth would we want our friends not as close as our enemies? haha.... but I have been friends with these two girls since first grade and it's been amazing to get to know them. I mean they are the one true best friends a person could ever ask for... But that's just it isn't it hard to find those type of people now a days? But speaking of friends I just went to one of my good friend's opening of his mission call. He is leaving me for two whole years to serve the lord in Japan.. I am so proud of him and what he has chosen to do.. And that comes to the first tip in things you need to learn in this life. Choose your friends wisely!

Welcome to my Blog!

Hi everyone! Welcome to my Blog! I will be blogging about hopefully life inspired tips for life in general. I will post one tip everyday that I get on... hopefully you use these tips to get you through life!